The Science Behind Kickstarting Your New Year with MCT Oil

MCT oil from coconuts new year resolution

The new year often acts as a catalyst for positive change in our lives; in a study conducted at the University of Scranton, 46% of subjects had made a resolution to lose weight or participate in an exercise program. But according to U.S. News, 80% of New Year’s Resolutions fail by February.

What are we missing from achieving the goals we’ve set for ourselves?

There’s a common adage that says something along the lines of, “Losing weight starts in the kitchen,” – so let’s start there. Long gone are the days of feeling empty as a means of dieting (‘70s, anybody?). We believe that if you’re constantly hungry and not enjoying what you’re eating, your diet simply isn’t sustainable for you.

Our team is intensely curious about the science behind optimizing our diets – how we can eat for wellness. One of the things we’re most excited about right now is MCT Oil.

What is MCT Oil?

MCT is an abbreviation of medium-chain triglyceride (MCT), meaning the oil contains medium-length chains of fats called triglycerides. They’re commonly found in coconut oil and have become popular supplements to smoothies, bulletproof coffee, and other nutrition-rich recipes. Because MCTs are structurally different from the predominant form of fat in the American diet, long-chain triglycerides (LCTs) – like butter, olive oil, and canola oil – MCTs are processed by our bodies differently, which has many potential implications for our health outcomes:

MCT Oil may make you feel fuller after eating.

One study found that the consumption of MCT led not only to increased fullness over the three hours after breakfast but also decreased consumption during lunch and dinner. MCT oil has even been shown to increase the release of two hormones, peptide YY and leptin, that promote the feeling of fullness.

MCT Oil is lower in calories.

MCT Oil has bout 10% fewer calories than long-chain triglycerides (LCTs) such as olive oil, nuts, and butter when compared with LCTs of the same unit weight.

MCTs may help you exercise better.

One study has shown that MCT consumption before exercising may reduce lactate buildup. Lactate levels are the “burning sensation” you feel when you exercise. In this study, athletes who took 6 grams (approximately 1.5 teaspoons) of MCTs with food before cycling had lower lactate levels than when they had taken LCTs. These decreased lactate levels corresponded with the athletes finding it easier to exercise.
It also showed that MCT consumption before exercise may help the body increase fat burning – instead of carb burning – for energy.


These are just some of the physiological effects researchers have found MCT has on our bodies. This article focuses on MCT oil extract from coconuts alone, but coconut milk as as a whole has some great health benefits too. It’s why our Coconut Cloud Original Creamer champions MCT as an addition to your daily cup of coffee that will kickstart your morning, and hopefully, your year.