The Environmental Impact of Coconut Production


There are several attempts being made to replace the sustainability of providing the milk and creamer needs of the world's population away from the traditional animal-based sources of dairy production; and coconut production is one of the best eco-friendly alternatives.

But let's first discuss why traditional dairy sourcing is doing damage to the environment…

Several studies have indicated the adverse effect of dairy sourcing from cows on global warming due to their substantial release of massive amounts of dangerous greenhouse gases, which include methane and nitrous oxide through their feces and burps. This is because high-production dairy cows each need to eat up to 120 pounds of wet feed a day and up to 55 pounds of dry matter such as baled hay and grain mix.

Cows also need an enormous of water. Their consumption ranges from 1 gallon per 100 pounds of their weight (in cold weather) to nearly 2 gallons per 100 pounds of their weight in the hottest weather. Additionally, lactating cows need twice as much water when compared to ‘dry’ cows. And on top of it all, constant electricity is needed to sustain the cows as well.

In 2018, a study at the University of Oxford concluded that the best action we can take to stop the environmental footprint of livestock is to stop (or limit) our use of dairy products and consumption of meat. A vegan diet is the single biggest way to reduce the greenhouse gas effect, and also worldwide acidification.



If you are a regular consumer of milk and creamers, you can still get these products from coconuts. They are just as nutritious, if not even more beneficial for our physiological needs.

Not only are coconuts a perfect source of milk and creamer products, but every part of the coconut tree is useful in the sense that they are also used for the manufacture of other essential products that we need in our lives. Products like soap, coconut flour, coconut oil, and even coconut furniture and coconut based novelties that we find in homes.

The coconut is also used as a natural medicine for bladder stones, high cholesterol, diabetes and weight loss.

Coconuts are typically found in tropical locations and on beaches. They withstand both flooding and high temperatures very well, and are very easy to maintain as long as the surrounding soil surrounding maintains moisture. The coconut tree should be watered once a week only, except if during a period/s of sufficient rainfall. It needs at least 1 inch of water per watering.



This is not to say that milk and creamer sourced from coconut production doesn't have environmental impact. It does, but on a very minimal scale. But the switch to a non-dairy source milk and creamer augurs well for the health of our earth and of our bodies too.

Find a way to switch from dairy consumption to vegan alternatives of which on top of the list are coconut based milk and creamers. You will find that the food you prepare for yourself and your family will taste just as delicious. Not only that, but you feel good about doing your share in making our earth a better place for all of us!